Tag Archives: Conflict of interest

The evil Uni-Bank alliance

The evil Uni-Bank alliance

The student loan scam only creates the potential for evil. We would not have over 20,000,000 citizens trapped in a deadly debt spiral if our higher education system had not exploited that potential as ruthlessly as possible. Technically, this scam is an unholy alliance between our Federal government, which backs the loans and enforces collection, […] … learn more→

Lesbian Provost fired for corruption

Lesbian Provost fired for corruption

In earlier essays I mentioned how once a Social Justice Warrior gets control of hiring, it’s a lockdown: all further hires are SJWs, or Progressives, or Leftists, or whatever you want to call them. Now, as evidence for my claim I could simply point to the strong Leftist leanings of the admin/faculty/staff on our campuses: […] … learn more→