SMOTHERING LIFE WITH PLANS WON’T WORK A lot of us in the research sector instinctively believe that we can become more efficient by careful planning. We enforce these plans by making to-do lists, deciding when we will leave the house and arrive for appointments, and by reminding ourselves (and those around us) that we have […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: control

When it comes to being productive, it’s best to embrace uncertainty

Catastrophe overload? Read philosophers and poetry instead of headlines
For almost two years now, Americans have been confronted daily by ominous tidings. We are living through stressful times. Reading the news feels awful; ignoring it doesn’t feel right either. Psychologist Terri Apter recently wrote about the “phenomenon in human behavior sometimes described as ‘the hive switch,’ where “catastrophic events eliminate selfishness, conflict and competitiveness, rendering humans […] … learn more→