Tag Archives: corruption

South Africa’s dysfunctional universities: the consequences of corrupt decisions

South Africa’s dysfunctional universities: the consequences of corrupt decisions

What happens when those responsible for managing universities cannot trust each other to act with integrity? In a nutshell, as I discuss in my new book, Corrupted: A study of chronic dysfunction in South African universities, dysfunction is the consequence. This is the situation playing out in some South African universities – sometimes with fatal results. […] … learn more→

USC collapsing under scandals

USC collapsing under scandals

Our “leaders” in higher ed have had a blank check for decades, literally able to do whatever they want as long the student loan money kept pouring in. The kind of corruption this has led to is breathtaking, and I assure the gentle reader that the horrific activities at Penn State, the intergenerational fraud at […] … learn more→

Game of Thrones and College football

Game of Thrones and College football

  It’s obligatory to put “spoiler alert” in front of discussion of Game of Thrones; I’m going to be discussing one episode in detail, “Battle of the Bastards,” so if you haven’t seen up to that part, fair warning to stop reading now. –it’s a great shot, but this was a throwaway, a desperate attempt […] … learn more→