Tag Archives: design thinking

The great “design thinking” hoax

The great “design thinking” hoax

There’s a big divide between the administrative and faculty caste on campus nowadays. Your typical faculty will interact with admin1 on only a few occasions: hiring, firing, and when a student complains. The gentle reader will note that all three situations involve money: when you’re taking money out of admin pockets, when you’ll stop doing […] … learn more→

How design thinking can help teachers collaborate

How design thinking can help teachers collaborate

The recent release of the Gonski 2.0 report has done an excellent job of re-opening the conversation around how our schools could better fulfil their purpose. Much of the commentary has centred on the report’s recommendations for teaching and learning in schools. But the whole chapter focused on “creating, supporting and valuing a profession of expert educators” has not […] … learn more→

Design thinking can make kids see science - and themselves - differently

Design thinking can make kids see science – and themselves – differently

One of South Africa’s many complex challenges involves fixing and improving its education system. As part of this, the government has come up with a national strategy for three crucial teaching and learning areas: mathematics, science and technology. The aim is to strengthen how the subjects are taught using curricular methods and learning support materials. The establishment of science […] … learn more→