Tag Archives: elite universities

Are universities such as Oxford biased towards class or race?

Are universities such as Oxford biased towards class or race?

A senior lecturer in my department – a white, working-class woman – was telling me about her daughter who was applying to Ucas a few years ago. When she suggested Oxbridge, her daughter replied, “It’s not for the likes of us, Mum.” Her mother was sad and disheartened that even as a university academic, her child didn’t feel that her […] … learn more→

As the Ivy League goes…so goes American Higher Education?

As the Ivy League goes…so goes American Higher Education?

Brandon Busteed, the executive director for education and workforce development at Gallup, wrote a stimulating and thought provoking op ed earlier this month. The article’s title captured Busteed’s summary opinion: It’s Time for Elite Universities to Lead in Non-Elite Ways. Mr. Busteed argued that America’s colleges and universities have traditionally followed the lead of America’s […] … learn more→