Tag Archives: environmental sustainability

Trimming the excess: how cutting down on junk food could help save the environment

Trimming the excess: how cutting down on junk food could help save the environment

Looking for a new reason to cut down on “junk” food? Besides the obvious health-related benefits, I showed in a recent study that discretionary or junk foods make up a significant proportion of food-related environmental impacts. For an average Australian household, my research found that discretionary food contribute 33-39% of diet-related water use, energy use, […] … learn more→

Toward increased environmental sustainability: Technological innovation in action

Technological innovation is providing sustainable alternatives in areas that have traditionally been high consumers of energy. Wind energy and photovoltaic cell technology get a lot of attention—deservedly. But many technologies that are praised for streamlining communication and creating greater efficiencies are equally deserving of attention for their role in reducing high levels of energy consumption. […] … learn more→