Educators involved in curriculum design know one hard truth: you can’t fit in everything. Whatever the finished product, there will always be someone who thinks something important has been missed or something unnecessary has been included. This is what happened in the recent redesign of the Australian Curriculum, for example, where the emphasis on Western […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: evolution

4 reasons not teaching evolution in schools is immoral

Can you be religious and accept evolution?
Evolution and its meaning in the future of organisms and the human being is a subject widely discussed in scientific and non-scientific literature. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin contributed a crucial idea to understand how species originate: natural selection. Since then, the debates have continued. His book From Him On the Origin of Species , published in 1859, opened […] … learn more→

Evolution: how Victorian sexism influenced Darwin’s theories – new research
Sex is an expensive business, biologically speaking. Finding a suitable mate takes time and energy. Offspring are also a huge investment of resources. But sex does offer a rewarding possibility: children who are fitter than their parents thanks to new and “better” combinations of genes. Darwin realised that many animal species therefore carefully select their […] … learn more→

Turkey bans teaching of evolution – but science is more than a belief system
In the US there have been many attempts to expunge evolution from the school curriculm or demand that creationism – the idea that all life was uniquely created by God – is given equal treatment in science textbooks. While all these have failed, the government in Turkey has now banned evolution from its national curriculum. […] … learn more→