Tag Archives: fake news

Artificial intelligence may not actually be the solution for stopping the spread of fake news

Artificial intelligence may not actually be the solution for stopping the spread of fake news

Disinformation has been used in warfare and military strategy over time. But it is undeniably being intensified by the use of smart technologies and social media. This is because these communication technologies provide a relatively low-cost, low-barrier way to disseminate information basically anywhere. The million-dollar question then is: Can this technologically produced problem of scale and […] … learn more→

In anticipation of Trump’s “Fake Media” awards

In anticipation of Trump’s “Fake Media” awards

The following news release has been issued by the Committee to Protect Journalists: As U.S. President Donald Trump announces his “Fake Media” awards, the Committee to Protect Journalists names its global Press Oppressors—world leaders who use rhetoric, legal action, and censorship to try to silence their critics. The list features leaders from China, Egypt, Myanmar, […] … learn more→

How to spot fake news – an expert’s guide for young people

How to spot fake news – an expert’s guide for young people

Every time you go online, people are competing for your attention. Friends, strangers, businesses, political organisations, charities and news websites all serve up a constant stream of eye-catching pictures, videos and articles, wherever you might go looking for information – Google, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or YouTube. But in the race to catch your eye, […] … learn more→

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

Imagine, for a moment, the technology of 2017 had existed on Jan. 11, 1964 – the day Luther Terry, surgeon general of the United States, released “Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the United States.” What would be some likely scenarios? The social media noise machine explodes; conservative […] … learn more→