The disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (commonly grouped by the acronym STEM, or STEM for its acronym in English Science Technology, Engineering and Maths ) are often full of abstract concepts that make it difficult to understand. If we think, for example, of our fridge magnets, it is fairly intuitive to understand that there is […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: flipped classroom
Abstract concepts that are best learned on video
The flipped classroom is in fashion: is it so bad?
Two smiling teachers arrive in 2006 at an institute in Woodland Park, Colorado. Jonathan comes from Denver, in the same state, and Aaron from California: they are going to manage the Institute’s Chemistry Department. They soon find themselves with a stumbling block that is difficult to overcome. In this rural center, students missed classes for sports or other activities […] … learn more→
Print, audio or video: which media to choose for better learning?
During the pandemic, many university professors abandoned traditional textbooks in favor of digital documents or multimedia devices. As a linguistics teacher , I compared electronic communications and printed texts from the point of view of learning. Is the level of understanding of information the same depending on whether it is read on paper or on a screen? And is listening or […] … learn more→