Tag Archives: Free speech

Left bans scientist who Discovered DNA

Left bans scientist who Discovered DNA

“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” –Beria, head of Stalin’s Secret Police  Only an idiot could have thought the Left agenda of shutting down Conservative speakers on campus would stop at just those speakers. Having succeeded in making it impossible for a Conservative to show his or her (Hi Ann Coulter!) […] … learn more→

New legislation may make free speech on campus less free

New legislation may make free speech on campus less free

Around the country, state lawmakers have been talking about – and legislating – ways intended to protect free speech on college campuses. The Wisconsin State Assembly, for example, recently passed a campus speech bill that would require public colleges and universities to punish students who disrupt campus speakers. The legislation is now heading to the […] … learn more→

More tuition = Less free speech

More tuition = Less free speech

It’s no secret that our campuses no longer believe in free speech. Ok, that’s a bit hyperbolic, but the riots on campus whenever speakers with a certain point of view try to talk do seem to be a bit more common than in days past. One of the more recent riots (I’m hesitant to say […] … learn more→

Crushing the intellect: Pakistan’s war on free speech

Crushing the intellect: Pakistan’s war on free speech

Pakistani authorities have won another battle against free speech. The latest blow is just another consequence of harsh measures taken by Pakistan’s government in the last five years against freedom of speech. On March 27, the interior ministry announced that Facebook had removed 85% of “illegal, blasphemous” content found on its website. The estimated number […] … learn more→