Tag Archives: Freedom

Academic freedom is under threat around the world – here’s how to defend it

Academic freedom is under threat around the world – here’s how to defend it

Academic freedom is at the heart of successful universities. UNESCO defines it as the right “to freedom of teaching and discussion, freedom in carrying out research and disseminating and publishing results”. Academics have pointed out that it also means self-governance and security of academic jobs to ensure independence. Yet in the current climate, academic freedom is under threat everywhere. […] … learn more→

How the alt-right seeks to sabotage the University

How the alt-right seeks to sabotage the University

There is a great deal to be said about the rise of the Alt-Right over this past year, and while I understand the argument for identifying its platform with the ascent of white supremacism, I’d argue that “Alt-Right” encompasses something far more ambitious and dangerous, especially with respect to the country’s most vital institutions: free […] … learn more→