Tag Archives: graduates

Five facts about today’s College graduates

Five facts about today’s College graduates

Apparently semesters go even faster when you’re not teaching, and graduation is coming up soon if not over for most college students. A 2014 article highlights the situation for graduates on our campuses, and I doubt much has changed in the last 5 years, so let’s get to it: 5 Facts About Today’s College Graduates […] … learn more→

Are too many graduates getting good degrees?

Are too many graduates getting good degrees?

More than a quarter of UK graduates received a first-class degree, and nearly half received an upper second-class award in 2016-2017. This means 75% of graduates gained “good degrees” – up from 60% ten years ago. Repeated media outcry and government condemnation over this upward drift, continues to fuel debates over the robustness of the current degree classification system […] … learn more→

4 post graduation paths you can choose from

4 post graduation paths you can choose from

Adjusting to life after university can be very difficult.Graduation may signify a time for celebration but it can also indicate a period of uncertainty as fresh graduates begin to anticipate their future. As per a psychologist named Andy Hogg, “it is normal for recent college graduates to feel stressed and anxious,”all this because of the […] … learn more→