Tag Archives: Humour

Humor in teaching: a powerful tool

Humor in teaching: a powerful tool

Humor is an everyday element. We witness it in the media, at a gathering of friends, we use it with the family, at work… It is an inherent element of our condition as human beings. So what about teaching? Are we aware of the power it has? It is likely that we remember in our student stage […] … learn more→

No joke: Using humor in class is harder when learning is remote

No joke: Using humor in class is harder when learning is remote

  Most discussions about the drawbacks of online education focus on the negative effects it has on learning. Less obvious – but also quite important – is how remote instruction can affect the teacher’s use of humor. Scholars have formulated various explanations for why people use humor. As someone who has helped prepare and provide professional development for prospective and veteran […] … learn more→