Tag Archives: inclusive education

Feeling, creativity, will: the key role of teachers in inclusive education

Feeling, creativity, will: the key role of teachers in inclusive education

The Indonesian government’s commitment to implementing inclusive education is reflected in the increase in the number of inclusive schools from 28,778 in 2021 to 40,164 in 2023. Inclusive education means all children are in the same classroom and school —not just children with disabilities but also minority language speakers and others. However, this increasing number is not accompanied by solutions to […] … learn more→

Why inclusive education is a win-win situation for everyone

Why inclusive education is a win-win situation for everyone

People share common traits; however, as unique beings, it is normal for us to be different. During childhood and adolescence, these differences can become enormous and that is why each course and each classroom are a miniature world : no two students are the same, nor are there two groups of students the same . But diversity is not a scourge of the […] … learn more→

Studying at university with intellectual disabilities: a right that becomes a reality

Studying at university with intellectual disabilities: a right that becomes a reality

Laura and Carlos are two people in their twenties who are eager to learn, meet new people and do things independently. They want to study at university so they can find a job. But their options for accessing higher education are extremely limited. Like them, most young people with intellectual disabilities do not finish high […] … learn more→

Does the 'Celaá law' advance towards an inclusive model for special education students?

Does the ‘Celaá law’ advance towards an inclusive model for special education students?

One of the controversies that the new draft Education Law ( LOMLOE ) has raised derives from its fourth additional provision regarding the evolution of the schooling of students with special educational needs . In the 2018-2019 academic year, there were 37,136 students enrolled in special education centers in Spain , 0.45% of the school population –8.17 million students–, 59.6% in 191 public schools and the […] … learn more→