Tag Archives: Innovation

How creativity promotes sustainability and improves disruptive behaviors in the classroom

How creativity promotes sustainability and improves disruptive behaviors in the classroom

When we think of creativity applied to education, the first thing that comes to mind are different manifestations of artistic expression; but we forget that creativity and another related concept such as innovation refer to much more, to a way of “being” and “being” in the world. Among the multiple definitions of creativity, we are left […] … learn more→

In education, all that glitters is not innovation

In education, all that glitters is not innovation

At the beginning of this century, it seemed that digital whiteboards were going to revolutionize the educational system. Its potential, interactivity, would allow transforming teaching approaches. In 2014, an ONTSI study consulted teachers about the use that was made of digital whiteboards at that time. 87.1% used it to explain and ask questions in class. Something we could already do with chalk […] … learn more→

Teaching innovation: it's not just design thinking!

Teaching innovation: it’s not just design thinking!

While design thinking is a tool for developing creativity, spreading across many paths of higher education, design professionals point to the simplistic side of the method, even the deception of a design without designers. By sharing several years of pedagogical experiments at the Grenoble Alpes University , ENSCI – Les Ateliers and Yncréa Hauts – de – France, we propose to take stock […] … learn more→

Educational innovation: a game to reveal student creativity

Educational innovation: a game to reveal student creativity

Faced with the growing need for innovation in business and society in general, the socio-economic world rediscovers the virtues of creativity. The World Economic Forum, in its report on human capital ranks it among the skills that will be the most sought after in the future. Reading these first lines, many of us may doubt, saying: “Yes, but, […] … learn more→

Tech Ed: How innovation is effecting education

Tech Ed: How innovation is effecting education

Education gets a bad rap for being slow to innovate. Because it’s a system with a firm foundation, change doesn’t happen at light speed, but it does happen. The world of education is definitely experiencing impressive evolution, thanks to the adoption of modern technology. Why is it important that education get on the fast track […] … learn more→