Tag Archives: Internships

Internship from hell

They were passing around a photo of a faceless man. Some of them, cameramen and sound guys, were laughing. Two days before, an old vagrant had been mangled by a drug-crazed lunatic on the MacArthur Causeway in Miami. A policeman had shot at the naked attacker—five times—until the guy stopped chewing on the old man\’s […] … learn more→

The Internship conundrum

(That sounds like a spy novel, doesn’t it?) From listening to employers, you’d think that community colleges would be hotbeds of internships. Since employers frequently want some sort of work experience, and community colleges have been tasked with a focus on workforce development, it would seem to make sense that community colleges would be epicenters […] … learn more→

Finding an Internship to change careers

Question: I came to graduate school right from my bachelor\’s, and am in the third year of a biomedical Ph.D. program that I\’m not sure is right for me. I\’m interested in getting some experience with other career options but with my lab schedule it\’s hard to find the time to apply for, and do, […] … learn more→