Tag Archives: interviews

Ask not how but why – musings on ‘the interview’

Ask not how but why – musings on ‘the interview’

I was reading some interview transcripts the other day. They were fairly unstructured conversations; the interviewer had some set topics to cover, but not necessarily any set wording. I happened to be looking for the connections between the type of question asked and the response. I saw that the longest answers, and the ones with […] … learn more→

An introvert\’s guide to resume self-promotion

Consider the meek: They may in fact be set to inherit the earth, but it’s not easy for them to portray that birthright in their resumes. Toward that noble end, Susan Cucuzza, an Executive Coach with Live Forward LLC, sits humble introverts down, one on one, and asks them to think about their career accomplishments. […] … learn more→