Tag Archives: Job interviews

Students, this is how you can stand out from the crowd in a very competitive job market

Students, this is how you can stand out from the crowd in a very competitive job market

The employment market is saturated with graduates who have good degrees and the right qualifications. So the question on many recruiters’ minds is: what else can this candidate offer? Employers have been reporting a “skills gap” in graduates for a few decades now and there is research to support its existence. Many employer’s feel there isn’t enough […] … learn more→

An inside look at faculty job interviews

An inside look at faculty job interviews

I’ve had a few jobs in “the real world,” though I admit my experience is very limited, dated, and restricted to entry level positions. That said, the “job interview” process mostly involved showing up, talking to the owner for a few minutes, and then it was usually a “go.” There are no “owners” in higher […] … learn more→