Tag Archives: libraries

Afghanistan’s libraries go into blackout: ‘It is painful to see the distance between people and books grow’

Afghanistan’s libraries go into blackout: ‘It is painful to see the distance between people and books grow’

“The lights are off, shelves are in disarray and dust has coated every single book,” says Zabihullah Ehsas, my longtime friend and mentor, describing the current state of Khushal Baba Ketabtun, a library we established together in 2012. Our efforts represented an attempt to address the shortage of Pashto books in Mazar-i-Sharif, the cultural and economic hub […] … learn more→

e-Iris : A plan to fight the digital divide from public libraries

e-Iris : A plan to fight the digital divide from public libraries

During the past decade, the digital transformation of society has accelerated, and the pandemic has completed our technological immersion in virtually every facet of life. That is why it has become essential to have the ability to access, evaluate, create and use information critically, as well as to create content, collaborate with others and communicate safely […] … learn more→

4 ways college students can make the most of their college library

4 ways college students can make the most of their college library

  If you’re a student about to go to college, then perhaps you’ve scanned college orientation websites and social media feeds for glimpses of your new life. As a college librarian, I believe you should explore your college library, too. This is based on countless discussions I’ve had with graduating college seniors who told me they […] … learn more→

Libraries can have 3-D printers but they are still about books

Libraries can have 3-D printers but they are still about books

How often do we hear that libraries aren’t just about books anymore? They are makerspaces with 3-D printers, scanners, laser vinyl cutters and routers. They provide green rooms, sewing machines, button makers, and tools like drills, saws and soldering irons. They are places to borrow seeds, fishing rods, cake making supplies, binoculars, laptops and tablets, radon detectors, musical instruments, bicycles and take-home wifi hotspots. They are important sites for […] … learn more→

The College Bookpocalypse

The College Bookpocalypse

One of the few things every school must have is a library, it’s literally written into the accreditation rules. A century ago this made sense as books were the primary means of retrieving and storing knowledge. If you’re reading this, then you know books have taken a back seat to the internet, aka “the font […] … learn more→