In September 2020, wearing a mask became compulsory for nursery staff. Early childhood professionals wondered about its possible repercussions on young children, sometimes accommodated for long periods (50 hours per week for some). We collected the testimonies of nearly 600 of them during a survey conducted in December 2020 posted on the site of “Pros de la petitefance”. After indicating on […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: masks

The mask in the nursery, an embarrassment for the socialization of toddlers ?

Teaching with a masked face: a challenge?
The unprecedented health crisis we are facing will have a singular impact on the class, with the widespread introduction of masks. Hiding the face of teachers and their students is likely to be a major factor of instability in the didactic relationship. It is necessary to be aware of this to anticipate the difficulties that all will […] … learn more→