Younger children love to ask their parents to play. But when we are very busy, it is often difficult to make ourselves available. Between managing the household, working and finding a little time for themselves, parents don’t have much leeway or energy to play princesses and dragons or soccer ninjas. However, these moments of family play […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: Playing

Why do young children want to play with their parents so much?

‘Mum, can you play with me?’ It’s important to play with your kids but let them make the rules
Young children love to play with their mums and dads. But for busy parents, it’s often the last thing they feel like doing. Running a home and family, doing paid work and trying to squeeze in some personal time mean parents don’t have a lot of time or energy to play magical princess dragons or […] … learn more→

Children don’t play as much as they used to: why you should worry about it
“I’m going down to play!” This is a phrase that many of us have often said during our childhood. Today, it is becoming rarer in the daily lives of families: according to some studies, children play less than before – an hour and a half a day – and they stop playing with classic toys earlier . From the age […] … learn more→

Why it is worrying that children do not play as much as before
I’m going down to play” is a phrase that many of us have uttered countless times throughout our childhood. Today, fewer and fewer children repeat it during fewer and fewer years of their lives: according to some studies, children play less than before –an hour and a half a day– and stop playing with toys earlier . In the […] … learn more→

Learn killing zombies
Zombies are monsters of the collective imagination on which many films, television series or video games have been made. These creatures arouse a remarkable attraction among a wide segment of the population. Movies like World War Z or series like The Walking Dead have had and are widely accepted worldwide, especially among young people, and have broken audience records. Video games […] … learn more→

‘Making up games is more important than you think’: why Bluey is a font of parenting wisdom
Bluey is a ground-breaking Australian children’s television series and the most downloaded show in ABC iView history. Since premiering in October 2018, Bluey has been played on iView over 100 million times, and it is set to stream internationally on Disney’s streaming platformstarting later this year. The show follows the adventures of a blue heeler puppy, six-year-old Bluey, and her […] … learn more→