Tag Archives: procrastination

Procrastination and social networks, the perfect couple

Procrastination and social networks, the perfect couple

More and more people have at least one social network . Young people in their university stage are the ones who spend the greatest number of hours viewing publications and sending messages from different applications using their smartphones. College students are the most active group in the new internet age. In Mexico , young people between the ages of 18 and 24 have […] … learn more→

Procrastination is linked to poor health – new study

Procrastination is linked to poor health – new study

University students have a lot of freedom but not much structure. This can be bad for habitual procrastinators. Studies have shown that at least half of university students procrastinate to a level that is potentially harmful to their education. But this may not be the only negative result of putting things off until a later […] … learn more→