Tag Archives: Public Speaking

How to improve confidence in public speaking

How to improve confidence in public speaking

Speaking in public is one of the activities that causes us the most fear as humans. Shaky voice, excessive sweating, shortness of breath are, among others, the symptoms experienced by people who are afraid of speaking in front of an audience. In addition, there is the fear of going blank, of making a fool of […] … learn more→

“Grand oral” of the bac: how to draw inspiration from the masters of eloquence to succeed

Press articles are multiplying on the “great oral” , novelty of the 2021 baccalaureate. Reading them, a certain anxiety would affect the students who are preparing to take this test, but also some teachers responsible for evaluating them. In a deeper way, the widespread fear of speaking in public is grafted onto this situation. Naomi Osaka has given an […] … learn more→