Tag Archives: quality education

Celebrating education and learning, a universal struggle

Celebrating education and learning, a universal struggle

In the United Nations Agenda 2030, access for all to quality education is the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). One SDG among seventeen but which governs them all, as the level of education of a population, and in particular of girls, is overdetermining for the development trajectories of a country. A goal that will be celebrated […] … learn more→

Joining the dots: why education is key to preserving the planet

Joining the dots: why education is key to preserving the planet

The evidence is clear: education changes lives, in ways that are often not fully understood. For instance, quality education can help you live a longer, healthier life. This is because education equips you to approach health on a rational, informed basis stripped of superstition. Your own education can benefit others’ health, too: research from Malawi […] … learn more→