Tag Archives: racisim

Students protest anti-white racism…finally

Students protest anti-white racism…finally

The anti-white racism on many of our campuses has been going on for years. Students, understandably, have mostly just sat in the classrooms and put up with it, often diligently taking notes on just horrible white people are. The effect of the endless preaching of racial hatred has been protests by those who feel “oppressed” […] … learn more→

White genocide advocate Professor resigns

White genocide advocate Professor resigns

It’s so weird how much hatred there is of white people on campuses nowadays, at least some campuses. I’ve addressed this before, but the main reason for it is the white-haters, once they reach critical mass, push out all the rest, leaving no room for anything on our campuses but hatred. One such campus is […] … learn more→

Why white supremacists shouldn’t be banned

Why white supremacists shouldn’t be banned

Today’s decision by the University of Florida to ban rental of space for an event by white supremacist Robert Spencer is a threat to free speech on campus, and the reasoning behind it poses a danger to a wide range of speech. University of Florida president W. Kent Fuchs justified his decision based on “continued […] … learn more→