Exceptionally, perhaps unprecedented, the number of scholarship students fell by 3.9% in French higher education in 2021-2022. Sign, again that in France, this system responsible for allowing access to higher education for the working classes is at the end of its rope, struggling to fill the inequalities it is supposed to correct? It should be noted that the […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: scholarships

Student grants: how to correct the inequalities of the French system?

How to apply for a Polish Scholarship
Welcome to Poland, as it now offers scholarships to students through brand-new government schemes to help boost foreign student interest through the various foundations and the universities. They are available for Polish students, including applicants with disabilities, as well as for international students from the EU itself and from countries outside the EU. The large […] … learn more→

Finance for aviation scholarships and student grants from ACS
A good education is your ticket to a well-paid job, a satisfying career and a good lifestyle where you get to live your dream. The reality though is that education is expensive and many young people don’t have the means to finance university degrees and college courses. Fortunately, you don’t have to carry the entire financial burden yourself. ACS can help you in getting the education that […] … learn more→

National State University scholarship
GoLookUp United States is Offering a National State University Scholarship for Anyone in the United States holding a GPA of 3.0 or higher, majoring in computer science programs. GoLookUp, a web data and information provider offering unlimited access to background checks, address searches, reverse phone lookups, companies information, criminal and sex offender records, and other […] … learn more→

Top quick wins to boost your scholarship chances
Are you a hard-working student with the highest grades in class? Are you constantly involved in social activities such as volunteering? Or maybe you are the head of the student council? Do you think all that is enough to get you a scholarship? While one cannot deny the fact the all the factors listed above […] … learn more→