Tag Archives: spelling

Is it a good idea to penalize spelling mistakes in university entrance tests?

Is it a good idea to penalize spelling mistakes in university entrance tests?

Let’s imagine that an 18-year-old student writes the following sentence on his university entrance exam: “The text does not demonstrate an exhaustive analysis of the problem.” How should having written those misspelled lines affect your final grade? Should we only measure the level of their knowledge, or their ability to transmit it in writing in […] … learn more→

Spelling: why is the level dropping ?

Spelling: why is the level dropping ?

These days, we hear about the theme of the alarming drop in spelling levels among students and more broadly about the difficulties students encounter in French . But it has been a long time since we deplored in France the lack of mastery of spelling. By way of illustration, in an article written in 1993 by the linguist Jean-Marie Klinkenberg on the recurring […] … learn more→

Spelling errors: an insurmountable barrier to employment?

Spelling errors: an insurmountable barrier to employment?

On October 25, a spelling refresher company published an Ipsos survey on employers’ expectations with regard to employee skills. The questions were oriented towards the importance given to the mastery of the French language in a professional context. And unsurprisingly , employers say they are very sensitive to the issue of spelling both at the time of recruitment and with regard […] … learn more→

Read with devotion to write correctly

Read with devotion to write correctly

  Let’s make history: some of those lights that illuminated the 18th century must have also illuminated the neoclassical academics when the Ortografía de la Academia de 1741 was a systematized compendium that regulated, as it does today, the orthographic regulations of Spanish, drawn up between the RAE and the corresponding academies in Latin America. Hence his consideration […] … learn more→