Initiated in the eighteenth century by young aristocrats, the training trip to Europe has been democratized in recent years thanks to university mobility programs. At the top of the countries participating in Erasmus exchanges, France for example saw its number of outgoing students increase by 37% between 2010 and 2015 ( Campus France, 2017 ). Despite the popularity of these […] … learn more→
Tag Archives: study abroad

What students learn by going abroad

It’s still worth it for overseas students to study in Australia, but universities could be doing more
For years, it has been predicted the increasing number of students flowing into the graduate jobs market would result in falling salaries, underemployment, and students taking on second and third degrees to get an edge in the competitive jobs marketplace. But what of students who spend upwards of A$200,000 on obtaining a degree in Australia, […] … learn more→

More American students are studying abroad, new data show
Kelsey Hrubes knew she had a challenge on her hands when she visited Germany as a study abroad student back in 2015. “I was forced to adapt to cultural norms I had never considered before and try to comprehend everything in a new language,” recalls Hrubes, a software engineer at Microsoftand 2017 Iowa State graduate in […] … learn more→