Tag Archives: studying

Strategies to avoid

Strategies to avoid “binge” studying before an exam

Often, when we approach a new course, we focus on the assessment model and the strategies to pass, leaving in the background what knowledge it will provide us. When we focus on the result, that is, on getting a pass or getting a good grade, we can deal with it in two different ways : study progressively, continuously, […] … learn more→

How much time should you spend studying? Our ‘Goldilocks Day’ tool helps find the best balance of good grades and well-being

How much time should you spend studying? Our ‘Goldilocks Day’ tool helps find the best balance of good grades and well-being

For students, as for all of us, life is a matter of balance, trade-offs and compromise. Studying for hours on end is unlikely to lead to best academic results. And it could have negative impacts on young people’s physical, mental and social well-being. Our recent study found the best way for young people to spend their time […] … learn more→

Tips to help you fall in love with studying

Tips to help you fall in love with studying

Studying is often considered to be one of the most monotonous activities in this world. The primary reason for the same is that we want to learn things and gain practical experience without including theory as a part of the process. This is not the right approach, and we know about it, but we do […] … learn more→