Tag Archives: vocational education

Academic and vocational education divides students – radical change could make education more equal

Academic and vocational education divides students – radical change could make education more equal

Politicians across parties are proposing ways to promote vocational education in England. Rishi Sunak has pledged to limit “rip-off” university courses and boost apprenticeships – diverting school students away from university and towards vocational education. Labour leader Keir Starmer has spoken of his desire to end “the snobbery that looks down on vocational education” through curriculum reform. […] … learn more→

Vocational education: between schools and companies, a complex story

Vocational education: between schools and companies, a complex story

What part should the company take in the vocational training of young people? The question is not new, nor are the demands for a match between the courses offered and the needs of companies. There are many relationships between schools and companies. Putting it into perspective makes it possible to identify the great diversity of experiences over […] … learn more→

To fix higher education funding, we also need to fix vocational education

To fix higher education funding, we also need to fix vocational education

Yesterday the shadow education minister, Tanya Plibersek, announcedLabor plans to invest an additional A$174 million in the higher education sector if there’s a change of government at the next election. This extra funding would be to give first in family students, students from outer suburbs and the country, Indigenous students, and students with a disability a […] … learn more→

Can vocational education make a comeback?

Can vocational education make a comeback?

When Theresa May launched the review of English post-18 education in February, her choice of venue – a further education college in the Midlands – was no accident. The prime minister railed against an “outdated attitude” in the UK, whereby university was the “default” and “only desirable route” in tertiary education. For the first time, […] … learn more→