Tag Archives: Wikipedia

Yes, you can (and should) use Wikipedia at university

Yes, you can (and should) use Wikipedia at university

If we asked a group of university students to raise their hands if they have turned to Wikipedia to resolve a question throughout their academic life, it is likely that virtually all hands would go up. However, when it comes to submitting academic papers, university students usually avoid citing it as a source. There is […] … learn more→

Is Wikipedia a good source? 2 college librarians explain when to use the online encyclopedia – and when to avoid it

Is Wikipedia a good source? 2 college librarians explain when to use the online encyclopedia – and when to avoid it

What comes to mind when you think of Wikipedia? Maybe you think of clicking link after link to learn about a topic, followed by another topic and then another. Or maybe you’ve heard a teacher or librarian tell you that what you read on Wikipedia isn’t reliable. As research and instruction librarians, we know people have concerns about […] … learn more→