Monthly Archives: April 2017

Developing writing skills in children

Developing writing skills in children

How to conduct teaching essay writing Specific abilities to write logical and impressive texts, articles and essays are extremely important for the success in our world. That’s why it would be better for you to develop your child’s writing skills even in early childhood.  Therefore, we decided to prepare for you some useful tips and […] … learn more→

UK Universities admit ‘almost’ illiterates

UK Universities admit ‘almost’ illiterates

It’s funny, yet sad, to watch the higher education system of the UK degenerate into the same abyss much of the US’ higher education has become. First, I point out that I’m extrapolating a bit: Around 85% of respondents in the Times Higher Education survey were from 130 UK institutions, though staff from regions including […] … learn more→

How a browser extension could shake up academic publishing

How a browser extension could shake up academic publishing

Open-access advocates have had several successes in the past few weeks. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation started its own open-access publishing platform, which the European Commission may replicate. And librarians attending the Association of College and Research Libraries conference in March were glad to hear that the Open Access Button, a tool that helps […] … learn more→

Thinking like an editor

Thinking like an editor

  There is a lot of good information about academic writing and publishing that is now out of print. It’s generally still accessible if you peruse the outlets that sell second hand books or remainders, so do check out the ‘other sellers’ link online. I’ve recently been accumulating older books about book publishing. One such […] … learn more→

Three easy steps for online privacy

Three easy steps for online privacy

With so much going on – chemical warfare waged on innocents, the rollback of environmental measures intended to mitigate global warming, saber-rattling over North Korea – it’s interesting to see the attention paid to the congressional rollback of a Federal Communications Commission regulation. Apparently it has caused bipartisan outrage, with even Trump-supporting Redditors and Breitbart […] … learn more→

CSU: Consensual sex is still rape, boyfriend expelled.

CSU: Consensual sex is still rape, boyfriend expelled.

I feel like having an easy day, so once again I’ll discuss the demented kangaroo campus court system. Quirks in how universities are created give them surprising leeway regarding disputes on campus. Their policy documents were established decades ago, when academics ran campuses, and so the system was set up to have disputes, scholarly disputes, […] … learn more→

The unique case for rural charter schools

The unique case for rural charter schools

The recent appointment of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education has brought rural schools into the national conversation in ways never seen before. At her confirmation hearing, DeVos said that guns might have a place in schools in order to protect from “potential grizzlies” in places like Wapiti, Wyoming. While the comments about grizzly bears […] … learn more→

In College fundraising, bigger isn’t always better

In College fundraising, bigger isn’t always better

One of the great myths about American higher education is that all colleges are wealthy. If most Americans have an mental image of a college, it’s often a bucolic bricks-and-mortar residential facility separated by rolling green lawns, entered through an impressive if forbidding-looking gate, and populated by attractive students who drive fancy cars. What they […] … learn more→