Monthly Archives: May 2017

The best academics make the best heads of department

The best academics make the best heads of department

Many academics feel privileged to be working in a university. “Knowledge workers” like us, it is often said, are intrinsically motivated: driven by the internal rewards of their work. This contrasts with those who might be more motivated by extrinsic factors, such as pay or other awards. But, as we all know, even the most […] … learn more→

How to get motivated and smash out your exams

How to get motivated and smash out your exams

Exhausted and your assignment’s due date is near? That’s okay. We all have our good and bad days. All you need to do to complete that drag and boring assignment is to get a lot of motivation to do it. Seems really hard but lacking motivation to do things is completely normal and you can […] … learn more→

Can blockchain, a swiftly evolving technology, be controlled?

Can blockchain, a swiftly evolving technology, be controlled?

The headlong pace of technological change produces giant leaps forward in knowledge, innovation, new possibilities and, almost inevitably, legal problems. That’s now the case with blockchain, today’s buzziest new tech tool. Introduced in 2008 as the technology underpinning Bitcoin, a digital currency that is created and held electronically without any central authority, blockchain is a […] … learn more→

What to consider before purchasing cheap web hosting

What to consider before purchasing cheap web hosting

Most of us opt for cheap web hosting, but before making payment to one of the servers certain factors are to be considered. Some of those are as below: Company accreditation It is true you need to spend just few dollars to host your website on one of the cheap service providers, but this does […] … learn more→

The professor is in

The professor is in

I have a large, ever growing, pile of books sent to me by publishers in the hope that I will review them. Smart publishers know that I have an interest in helping you make best use of your (probably limited) book buying budget. I’m even thought to have quite a lot of influence in the […] … learn more→

More tuition = Less free speech

More tuition = Less free speech

It’s no secret that our campuses no longer believe in free speech. Ok, that’s a bit hyperbolic, but the riots on campus whenever speakers with a certain point of view try to talk do seem to be a bit more common than in days past. One of the more recent riots (I’m hesitant to say […] … learn more→