Take a moment to think back to the first classroom you ever entered, whether it was at school, or nursery, chances are there was a blackboard, with coloured chalk where you focused most of your attention. You were probably working from a booklet or on paper using pencil and crayons and drawing pictures by hand. […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2017

Online learning can prepare students for a fast-changing future – wherever they are

Universities must ease the pains of bondage
It had been a long afternoon. The examiners had deemed the international student’s thesis weak, but had hoped she would redeem herself in the viva. But they had been disappointed. She was pleasant and keen but was nowhere near the level expected for a PhD. They asked the student to leave the room while they […] … learn more→

How to discuss Islam and education following the Trojan Horse ‘plot’
Recent research shows more than a quarter of secondary schools in England do not feature religious education on the syllabus. This is despite the subject being compulsory for all state-funded schools – which includes academies and free schools. According to findings by the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education, many schools could be “breaking the law”, […] … learn more→

College/Uni is not Higher Ed
Every day I read another poll that says something or other. Now, the last election showed that pollsters (or at least the media) can outright lie about the results, but even if pollsters were honest (stop laughing!) about the results of their polls, they can still be dishonest about what they are doing. “Three out […] … learn more→

5 proven steps to build an email list from scratch
The world of digital marketing is large and still growing steadily. It seems like every year a new channel opens or a new method is introduced—and the meta is shifted again and again. With the availability of blogs, websites, apps, social media platforms and so on, it can feel overwhelming for a new entrepreneur to […] … learn more→

Awesome cover letter examples to give you an inspiration boost
Job searches are a not a walk in the park, and writing custom cover letters for each posting doesn’t make that walk any easier. Every job is different, embodies a unique culture, and requires different tasks. As an applicant, it’s your job to convey to the hiring manager (through a competent cover letter) that you’re […] … learn more→

Tips for international students studying in Malaysia
There are many things to be kept in mind if you are planning to study in Malaysia as an international student. It is obvious that you might be nervous while moving out from your hometown to Malaysia to study but remember that everything blends in and you’ll soon feel good about enjoying your time studying […] … learn more→

Why just having a website isn’t enough anymore
As a small business owner, you’re probably aware by this point that you need a website to succeed and build your business. Sure, there are a few businesses out there who can get by without them, like successful independent restaurants that thrive on word-of-mouth, but these tend to be the exceptions, rather than the rule. […] … learn more→

The rise of cybercrime: What you need to know
Did you know that a simple error in awareness can lose you or your organization anywhere from hundreds to millions of dollars? More importantly, do you know how to effectively protect your network infrastructure from a multitude of attacks? Don’t worry. You’re in the right place. Keep reading to discover a number of statistics and […] … learn more→

Your thesis is the map, not the journey
I can’t say how useful having a hypothesis is in shaping your writing and research. It helps you to shape your research proposal, your research plan, your first draft. It may be that your hypothesis is wrong, that’s fine. It’s easier to fix a wrong hypothesis than to introduce an argument into a draft that […] … learn more→