Saving money around the office is important for a business’s health. But with so many other priorities demanding your time and attention, it can be difficult to find the time to look for and secure savings. If routinely look for savings opportunities isn’t part of your business strategy, here are some ways to make it […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2017

Ways to save money on routine office expenses

The UK student finance system needs shaking up – for the sake of poorer students
Students from the poorest households in England now graduate with the highest levels of debt. On average the poorest 40% of students owe around £57,000 after three years of study, compared with an average of £43,000 for students from the richest third of families. This outcome is due to the way the student finance system is currently set […] … learn more→

Fix for borrowers with loan discharges comes up short in tax reform
For all the tax reform provisions that will take away benefits from borrowers and colleges, there’s one important addition in the House legislation–excluded from the Senate’s version of tax reform that was published over the weekend–that will help vulnerable students and their families: making student loan discharges due to death or disability nontaxable income. Currently, […] … learn more→

Reading! you’re meant to be writing
It might seem strange to be writing about reading during #AcWriMo. But I was reminded, at a recent writing retreat get-together, of the close and symbiotic relationship between writing and reading. One of our group had sent a draft paper to mentors for feedback. The comments suggested that she needed to do some more reading […] … learn more→

UNC’s systemic fraud was a “typo.” Shameless!
The academic fraud at UNC was intergenerational: it went on long enough that a participant in the early days of the fraud could see his child grow up, come to this university, and also participate in the fraud. In one exchange, regarding a basketball player, Crowder asked Boxill if a “D will do.” “I’m only […] … learn more→

When the cost of College doesn’t cover College costs
Swirling around the debates over the high sticker price of higher education is a deeper conversation about the broken financial model that most colleges and universities continue to use to pay their bills. While the largest universities have more options based on the scale of their endowment, fundraising prowess, and research support, most public and […] … learn more→

Green finance? Why global banks are pledging billions to fight climate change
Banking giant HSBC has pledged US$100 billion (£76 billion) to “fight climate change”, to be spent on sustainable finance and investment over the next eight years. It also commits to increasing its own use of renewable energy and to reducing its funding of coal projects. HSBC is following a growing trend among investment banks which includes a […] … learn more→

White privilege conferences paid by student loan
Time and again I’ve heard admin spew the most insane gibberish, things no normal person could believe, or could even imagine. I’ve looked at administrative degree programs, and while they are complete frauds, the issue there is a lack of content or requirements, not that they’re filled with insanity. It’s no secret that our institutions of higher […] … learn more→

Tips for making the jump from College student to business owner
Many students are interested in becoming small business owners, but the majority of those college kids do so only after several initial jobs and years spent building up the capital to make it happen. Yet there are some students who go for the gusto and find a way to start up their own business right […] … learn more→

Universities must continue to change if they want to be safe places for everyone
In the past few days, I have lost count of the times I’ve heard politicians and others say that sexual comments, coercion or even acts of force were acceptable 15, 20 or 25 years ago, but the “goalposts have moved” and that times have changed. Sexual abuse has never been acceptable. But with many victims silenced, […] … learn more→