Monthly Archives: February 2018

Lesbian Provost fired for corruption

Lesbian Provost fired for corruption

In earlier essays I mentioned how once a Social Justice Warrior gets control of hiring, it’s a lockdown: all further hires are SJWs, or Progressives, or Leftists, or whatever you want to call them. Now, as evidence for my claim I could simply point to the strong Leftist leanings of the admin/faculty/staff on our campuses: […] … learn more→

Finance for aviation scholarships and student grants from ACS 

Finance for aviation scholarships and student grants from ACS 

A good education is your ticket to a well-paid job, a satisfying career and a good lifestyle where you get to live your dream. The reality though is that education is expensive and many young people don’t have the means to finance university degrees and college courses. Fortunately, you don’t have to carry the entire financial burden yourself. ACS can help you in getting the education that […] … learn more→

Teaching assistant robots will reinvent academia

Teaching assistant robots will reinvent academia

Bank clerks, hotel receptionists and assembly line workers might eventually be replaced by technology because their roles are structured and repetitive in nature. For those in higher education, there is the reassurance that teaching students, grading assignments and undertaking research require the services of a living, breathing academic. A permanent position is still exactly that, […] … learn more→

So...What’s the plan?

So…What’s the plan?

The Missing Plan for States in the Higher Education Act As calls for a federal-state partnership in higher education increase and discussions around state incentives continue,  federal lawmakers should use this reauthorization opportunity to include a new state plan requirement in the Higher Education Act (HEA).  In most of the major federal statutes governing the […] … learn more→

Pizzagate rabbithole: Who feeds the pigs?

Pizzagate rabbithole: Who feeds the pigs?

A recent “suicide” leads me to write again of things besides higher education, and see as it’s Friday, let’s have a little thought experimet: Mark Salling committed suicide and his cause of death was asphyxia by hanging, coroner’s report reveals This is the second Glee actor to commit suicide. This particular guy was under investigation […] … learn more→

Egoism and defensiveness are poisoning academic judgement

Egoism and defensiveness are poisoning academic judgement

We are often warned against being judgemental. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”, for example, reminds us how vulnerable we are to others’ estimations of us, and how likely those estimations are to be biased. Nevertheless, we continue to make judgements, both positive and negative, because we have evolved to do so. Human brains have […] … learn more→

Tips for saving money when hanging out with friends

Tips for saving money when hanging out with friends

Are you preparing for the upcoming weekend? If so, there is a pretty good chance that you’re going to want to head outside and hang out with your favorite buddies. Unfortunately, the weekends can be pretty expensive. You’ll be required to pay for drinks, food and admission to various attractions. Isn’t there a way to […] … learn more→