If you want a perfectly clean house, then nothing can be better than hiring a professional domestic cleaner. The decision to hire a domestic cleaner for the first time can be a difficult task. When we search for cleaners near me online, we are bombarded by a wide range of options, which makes it difficult […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: August 2020

Tips for hiring a domestic cleaner

For real pandemic productivity, try stepping off the treadmill
As Covid-19 cases continue to multiply around the world, the prudent academic should probably be preparing for the distinct possibility of another period in lockdown. So what can we learn from the last one? My mind instantly thinks back not so much to the “touch up my appearance” filter on Zoom as the popular “productivity” […] … learn more→

What will student protests look like when classes are online?
How might campus protests be different this fall? Sam Abrams: I anticipate that we will continue to see in-person protests this fall at campuses that are open and have spaces that cannot be locked down. These include public universities embedded in easily accessible settings. While this may be dangerous with the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person gatherings […] … learn more→

Learning from exam results crisis: the way students’ work is assessed needs to change
This year’s school results in England have highlighted how a narrow focus on so-called academic standards can hide much greater issues of justice in how we assess student performance. The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare underlying problems – but these issues have existed for a long time. This is an opportunity to go back to some basic […] … learn more→

Opening up campuses is harder than closing them
No university leader needs me to tell them how challenging it was to suddenly switch to online teaching during lockdown. But our experience is that, if anything, it is even harder to get students and staff to return to the campus when the restrictions lift – at the same time as retaining the positive changes […] … learn more→

How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting young people’s career plans
The coronavirus pandemic has had a serious and potentially detrimental impact on the lives of young people in the UK. The disruption to A-level results is one significant example, but is not the only way the future career prospects of young people have been affected. Those aged 16 to 24 have been among those hardest hit by […] … learn more→

3 ways to get kids to tune in and pay attention when schools go virtual
When nearly all U.S. brick-and-mortar schools suddenly closed in March 2020 and went online, large numbers of students simply didn’t log into class. Even if they did show up, many more weren’t paying much attention or doing their schoolwork. As a new school year gets underway, is there anything that teachers and families can do to curb these […] … learn more→

COVID-19 : How to approach the ‘new education’ if half of the students do not have internet or computer?
91% of all students in the world have been affected by the closure of schools in 194 countries due to the pandemic. This enormous global challenge has generated an abrupt and unplanned transition to distance learning. It is clear that we were not prepared for such an abrupt transition, but it is no less so that distance learning […] … learn more→

5 reasons to let students keep their cameras off during Zoom classes
As the 2020-21 school year gets underway – both at the K-12 and college level – many students find themselves attending online classes via Zoom or similar teleconferencing platforms. Although sticking with remote instruction may be the correct decision from the standpoint of public health, it is not without problems. As a researcher who studies behavior and the brain, I have found […] … learn more→

Fantastic funding and where to find it
Research funding has been declining in Australia for years. As we’re feeling the full force of COVID-19, the future of funding is at the forefront of many researchers’ minds. Most researchers understand why the research funding system in their country doesn’t work: the problems are common across the world. There just isn’t enough government money […] … learn more→