With COVID-19 vaccines currently in the final phase of study, you’ve probably been wondering how the FDA will decide if a vaccine is safe and effective. Based on the status of the Phase 3 trials currently underway, it is unlikely that the results of these trials will be available before November. But it is likely that not […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: September 2020

How and when will we know that a COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective?

Management academics should help executives solve their daily problems
It’s a conversation that every business school professor has had, and that many have learned to avoid: the one in which you ask business executives what they think of management research. The answers you will get depend, of course, on how knowledgeable (and how polite) the executives are. Some will describe research as a waste […] … learn more→

Post-truth is more dangerous than lies
There is so much talk about post-truth that, in 2016, “post-truth” was named word of the year by Oxford dictionaries . But what phenomenon does that word refer to? At first, it could be said that in post-truth times the truth has been left behind, as in postmodernity it was intended to overcome modernity. What is this about leaving the […] … learn more→

For many immigrant students, remote learning during COVID-19 comes with more hurdles
Schools across the U.S. responded to the COVID-19 pandemic last spring with an unprecedented shift to remote learning – a trend that has continued into the new school year for many districts. Millions of children now use laptops and tablets at home as part of their daily education. This arrangement is neither ideal nor easy. But immigrant students who […] … learn more→

Easy and efficient ways to ship oversized package
The market offers merchants numerous transportation options to choose from. However, shipping large items can be expensive and challenging at times for online merchants and shippers. If your shipment includes items like machinery, appliances, or large-sized goods, then chances are your shipment will not fit into standard parcel shipping. To solve this problem, we have […] … learn more→

If universities really want to promote impact, they must work together
The catastrophic wildfires raging on the west coast of the US in the midst of a global pandemic have served to underscore the critical contribution that university research makes in responding to the grand challenges facing humanity. Australia’s own bushfire crisis last summer saw many regional universities cement their value as “anchor institutions” in and […] … learn more→

Equality measures in universities need independent oversight
The philosopher and cultural theorist Gary Hall describes the current disruption of higher education as the “Uberification of the university”. The Covid-19 pandemic and the opening up of the relatively protected spaces of university campuses to the digital platform economy have put that process on steroids. Almost overnight, the very definition of a university classroom […] … learn more→

This will be the complex task of evaluating students during this course
We have been a time of trending topics , of hot topics. First it was (and still is) COVID-19, recently the return to school has begun to be on everyone’s lips and, in pure order of concern, once they begin to return to school and resume activity, in The mouth of teachers and families begins to appear the […] … learn more→

#litreview – getting to argument, part 2.
Writing about literatures doesn’t mean writing a summary of what you have read. You dont want a paragraph by paragraph laundry list of the texts you’ve been reading organised into a rough kind of order. Of course you write summaries as a means of making sense of your readings, but it’s not where you stop. […] … learn more→

Coping with the rational chaos of Chinese higher education
Despite being Hong Kong Chinese myself, I experienced profound culture shock when I began working in Chinese higher education. Foreign, and particularly Western, scholars often find certain aspects of Chinese higher education very disconcerting. I come from the region categorised as jingwai (the Chinese areas outside mainland China, which include Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao) by the government of the […] … learn more→