Monthly Archives: January 2021

Universities have thrived despite past disruptions and could grow even stronger after COVID-19

Universities have thrived despite past disruptions and could grow even stronger after COVID-19

In the past century, universities have risen to occupy a central place in the knowledge economy, from fostering innovation to attracting promising international students and researchers, and being an anchor for regional and national economic development. Universities are integral to public policy. Never before have institutions of higher education been so influential and powerful in the lives of families, communities […] … learn more→

How history textbooks will deal with the US Capitol attack

How history textbooks will deal with the US Capitol attack

How soon can we expect this attack to be included in history textbooks? Wendy L. Wall, professor of 20th-century American history at Binghamton University The unprecedented nature of this attack, combined with the widespread sense that it marks a historical turning point, ensures that it will appear in textbooks as soon as publishing turnaround times allow. In […] … learn more→

Reading groups/journal clubs are a good idea

Reading groups/journal clubs are a good idea

There’s a lot written about the benefits of academic writing groups, writing rooms and writing retreats. But not so much about academic reading groups. And yet, they can be just as beneficial. Being in a reading group puts you in the company of others working with texts. It takes you away from reading as a […] … learn more→

Spanish students, an international example of adaptation to an interconnected and globalized world

Spanish students, an international example of adaptation to an interconnected and globalized world

The word “Pisa” sounds like the Italian city with the leaning tower. But for teachers it is also synonymous with international comparisons of student academic performance. The “culprit” is the OECD. For two decades, it has used PISA as an acronym for its International Performance Assessment Program – Program for International Student Assessment , in English – which assesses the reading, […] … learn more→

‘Early warning’ systems in schools can be dangerous in the hands of law enforcement

‘Early warning’ systems in schools can be dangerous in the hands of law enforcement

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many students are getting lower grades and inconsistently attending classes. For students in one Florida county, low grades and absenteeism may put them at risk of being labeled by law enforcement as potential criminals. The Tampa Bay Times reported in late 2020 that the Pasco Sheriff’s Office uses student data to identify young people […] … learn more→

Back to school: how to help your teen get enough sleep

Back to school: how to help your teen get enough sleep

When the holidays end, barring a fresh outbreak of COVID-19, teenagers across Australia will head back to school. Some will bounce out of bed well before the alarm goes off, excited to start a new school year, but many others will drag themselves to the shower or reach for caffeine to shake themselves awake. Many […] … learn more→

Academics are promoting the wrong kind of rigour

Academics are promoting the wrong kind of rigour

“I feel like college puts us to sleep,” says the high-achieving student sitting across from me. It’s pre-Covid times, so I’m still meeting with students in my office. He claims to have stopped by for no particular reason, but I know better than that. Clearly, he has something to get off his chest, so I […] … learn more→

Don’t write off Russia’s efforts to ascend the global rankings

Don’t write off Russia’s efforts to ascend the global rankings

Many critics of Russia’s 5-100 Project have declared it a failure since it has not fulfilled its defining aim of catapulting five Russian universities into the top 100 of the global university rankings. But as the Russian government discusses a new initiative to succeed the seven-year $2.3 billion (£1.7 billion) programme, it is worth pointing […] … learn more→