Let’s make history: some of those lights that illuminated the 18th century must have also illuminated the neoclassical academics when the Ortografía de la Academia de 1741 was a systematized compendium that regulated, as it does today, the orthographic regulations of Spanish, drawn up between the RAE and the corresponding academies in Latin America. Hence his consideration […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2021

Read with devotion to write correctly

How blockchain could help the world meet the UN’s global goals in higher education
Improving quality of life for people globally means investing in education. By 2025, more than 100 million learners are estimated to be capable of higher education but won’t have access to it either because they cannot afford the costs, or because courses aren’t available in their region. Courses aren’t available because communities or institutions lack the technological infrastructure, […] … learn more→

The purchase process – how students choose their courses
Whatever the type of course, long or short, academic or vocational, it may surprise you to learn that there is a standard thought-process that students go through before making their decision. In fact, the process is the same for all of us, whatever purchase we are looking to make and understanding all of the steps […] … learn more→

Celebrating education and learning, a universal struggle
In the United Nations Agenda 2030, access for all to quality education is the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). One SDG among seventeen but which governs them all, as the level of education of a population, and in particular of girls, is overdetermining for the development trajectories of a country. A goal that will be celebrated […] … learn more→

Young people remain ill-equipped to participate in Australian democracy
Despite many young Australians having a deep interest in political issues, most teenagers have a limited understanding about their nation’s democratic system. Results from the 2019 National Assessment Program – Civics and Citizenship (NAP-CC) released today show the proportion of young people demonstrating the expected level of knowledge about topics such as democracy and government has […] … learn more→

Understanding the challenges of inclusive schooling with Disney and Pixar
The differences between an inclusive society and an integrative society are still difficult to understand today. The distinction may appear subtle and seen as a simple matter of lexicon. However, at the heart of this notion of inclusion are new issues related to respect for others and universal accessibility. The evolution of an integrative logic towards an […] … learn more→

To learn at home, kids need more than just teaching materials. Their brain must also adapt to the context
Research during the first phase of remote teaching in Victoria reported some students found the workload “too high”, missed interactions with peers, felt their thinking ability was impaired, and reported a difficulty coping with study and life more generally. All these factors impact on students’ sense of well-being. While learning remotely, some children experienced heightened anxiety, stress and other […] … learn more→

For these students, using data in sports is about more than winning games
When professional sports teams use big data and analytics, their objective is to improve player performance and win more games. That approach is paying off in a major way. For instance, after the Golden State Warriors became one of the first NBA teams to invest in analytics, the team subsequently won league championships in 2015, 2017 […] … learn more→

What to do after graduation
Although you might have looked forward to your graduation from high school or university throughout your tenure at the school or college of your choice, it can be incredibly daunting when the time comes, especially if you have no clue as to what to do after yourreceive your diploma, especially if you haven’t got a […] … learn more→

Historically black universities are drastically undersold by the statistics
Presidential inaugurations are usually moments of huge international attention, but Joe Biden’s words later this week will be watched more intently than ever given recent events in US democracy. But it is Kamala Harris – the country’s first African American vice-president-elect – who may increasingly take centre stage over the next four years, with the […] … learn more→