Student activists across the United Kingdom are getting ready for the largest wave of university rental strikes in 4 decades thanks to the growing frustration arising from heavy-handed lockdowns, having to pay for rooms that are not being used, and the prospect of not having face-to-face lessons when universities open again. Students Do Not Appreciate […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: January 2021

UK University students plan the largest rent strike in 40 years

Federal financial aid for college will be easier to apply for – and a bit more generous
How is applying for federal student financial aid about to change? The good news is the FAFSA will go from having 108 questions to 36 questions, and most students will only have to answer a smaller set of questions about family income and household size. The not-so-good news is that this simplified form will not […] … learn more→

Students and universities mourning the UK’s departure from the Erasmus + program
After reaching a trade agreement at the very last minute with the institutions of the European Union on December 24, many businessmen and politicians on both sides of the English Channel seemed to breathe with relief. However, the agreement not only marks the UK’s exit from the European common market and the tariff union, but also from […] … learn more→

Learning with digital objects?
Since his book Petite Poucette published in 2012, the recently deceased philosopher Michel Serres has never ceased to retrace the movement which, from the appearance of the book until today, would offer the possibility of outsourcing one of our essential faculties: memory. We would thus have, he said, the possibility of thinking, learning, transmitting, by holding our […] … learn more→

Bitcoin trading is easy! How? Read down the details to know!
There is a widespread belief that trading in bitcoin is not a simple thing to do. There is requirement of very high knowledge in order to trade in the bitcoins but this thing is completely a myth. Let us tell you that there are not at all any complications in the trading process of bitcoins. […] … learn more→

Web Scraping Prevention 101: How To Prevent Website Scrapping?
Website scraping, or content scraping, is essentially a practice of (automatically) extracting or scraping content on a web page. Scraping is typically performed by a program/software sending a series of automated requests to the web page. This program is often called a web scraping bot or content scraping bot due to how it operates. It’s […] … learn more→

Bark – Find the right professionals for all your needs
The other day I was looking for a cleaner for cleaning my office, a gardener for setting up my new garden, and I got bombarded with a wide range of random options on Google. All these options created a lot of confusion and made it difficult for me to decide which is the right one. […] … learn more→

Five ideas for a different distance teaching
The Covid-19 crisis has imposed distance education on everyone, not without pain . At the University, our students have been almost exclusively at a distance for almost a year! These successive confinements have had serious consequences. First there were the technical issues, the poor network connection, insufficient computer equipment, the difficulty in isolating yourself from others. Then, very quickly, we […] … learn more→

Through her divisive rhetoric, Education Secretary DeVos leaves a troubled legacy of her own
Mark Hlavacik, associate professor of communication studies, University of North Texas: In her resignation letter, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos explained that her sudden departure from the administration was motivated by President Donald Trump’s incendiary words to the crowd that went on to ransack the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. “There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on […] … learn more→

Exams cancelled? Think like a university student to get ahead
A-level exams in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been cancelled, along with Highers in Scotland. It’s not yet clear what the replacement for these exams will look like, and many students may be feeling anxious or despondent about their prospects. However, some kind of assessment will take place – so now is not the time to […] … learn more→