Every year, thousands of young people in the 4th year of ESO and with them their families, face a great dilemma : choose between the 26 vocational training specialties , between science or literature, thinking about high school and a university career or … get to work . Knowing, in addition, that the OECD indicators show that the unemployment rate and precariousness decrease and the wage level improves as […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2021

What hides the dilemma between FP or Baccalaureate?

How to function in an increasingly polarized society
Political polarization has been an increasing topic of concern for people in many areas of their lives, rearing its head in everything from family get-togethers to workplace relationships and election campaigns. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated that polarization — extremes in opinions and/or an erosion of a more moderate political centre — can have real life-and-death consequences. How to manage […] … learn more→

How much time should you spend studying? Our ‘Goldilocks Day’ tool helps find the best balance of good grades and well-being
For students, as for all of us, life is a matter of balance, trade-offs and compromise. Studying for hours on end is unlikely to lead to best academic results. And it could have negative impacts on young people’s physical, mental and social well-being. Our recent study found the best way for young people to spend their time […] … learn more→

Hip-hop’s love-hate relationship with education
The richest men in hip-hop never finished college. Jay-Z – who is regarded as hip-hop’s first billionaire – never graduated from high school. Kanye West – who is considered hip-hop’s second billionaire – was a college dropout, as he titled his debut album. So was Dr. Dre – another hip-hop icon and a near billionaire – who left college after just two weeks. Ditto for Diddy – now known […] … learn more→

Environmental poverty already affects millions of people in the world
During COP26, it is sought that the leaders of each country make the necessary commitments to reduce emissions, mobilize funds and promote adaptation and resilience, especially to protect the environment and human populations. According to reports published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) , “an increase of 2 ° C would have a great impact on security, food and […] … learn more→

Gender-based violence at school: there is an opportunity for prevention
Education as a process of socialization transcends the borders of school institutions. There are everyday learning experiences outside of your formal setting. But the school is a privileged space to prevent gender violence: it has an important role in legitimizing stereotyped models The hierarchy and belonging to a social class, an ethnic group; the fact of presenting certain […] … learn more→

Full-time student and in need of money? These are the best options!
As a full-time student, it seems like you never have enough money? This is a common problem for a lot of students, since studying itself is pricey and students barely have any time to get a job. But don’t worry, there are some less time-consuming solutions! In this article, we want to introduce you to […] … learn more→

Students’ choice of university has no effect on new graduate pay, and a small impact later on. What they study matters more
Every year in Australia school leavers suffer ATAR anxiety, worrying about whether they will get into their preferred course and university. New research by the Commonwealth Department of Education, using Australian Taxation Office earnings data, examines in detail how much difference what a person studies, and where, makes to their future income. It finds students’ course choices […] … learn more→

Burn-out of students: those risks to be considered
Much research has been carried out on stress in the workplace and its consequences on the health of workers. This concept is now widely integrated in the context of the prevention of psychosocial risks (PSR) at work. Currently, the idea that, within the school framework, the pupils can also be subjected to this type of risks begins to […] … learn more→

Why Australian uni students have a right to know class sizes before they sign up
Proliferating metrics and rankings in recent decades have, for better or worse, reshaped the priorities of universities around the world. Despite this “metric tide”, Australian universities provide little reliable, publicly available data on their class sizes. To this day, there is no mechanism for reporting how many students are allocated to the various types of […] … learn more→