As a result of the constant developments in technology, there have been numerous innovations in various fields, including education. Nowadays, students of all ages are being offered different ways to broaden their knowledge and go up on their educational ladder. They can choose to complete their studies the traditional way or follow the lessons online […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: November 2021

Online education vs. In-person classes: Which one to pick?

Facebook, the metaverse and the monetisation of higher education
The metaverse is a virtual world in which users, represented by an avatar, can shop, socialise, take part in leisure activities – and learn. Its development has become a priority for many tech companies, including Facebook (which recently changed its company name to Meta) and Microsoft. In a recent video presentation, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined the ways […] … learn more→

School surveillance of students via laptops may do more harm than good
Ever since the start of the pandemic, more and more public school students are using laptops, tablets or similar devices issued by their schools. The percentage of teachers who reported their schools had provided their students with such devices doubled from 43% before the pandemic to 86% during the pandemic, a September 2021 report shows. In […] … learn more→

COP26: why education for girls is crucial in the fight against climate change
The Glasgow climate change conference is in its second week, with Tuesday November 9 dedicated to recognising gender equality, and the empowerment of women and girls in climate policy and action. Gender inequality means women and girls will experience climate change in unique and different ways. They are more likely to die in extreme weather events than men. And as […] … learn more→

Learning to be optimistic: an educational issue?
At a time marked by the end of great hopes , humanity seems to be engaged in a race for disaster, where reasons to hope, and to believe in a better and smiling future, are, if not nonexistent, at least very rare. As chaos seems more certain than progress , what sense can it have to be still optimistic? Is an […] … learn more→

Is your Nonprofit in compliance?
Nonprofits need to comply with a variety of laws and regulations. These include federal and state tax laws, labor laws, and consumer protection laws. Making sure you know what the law requires of your organization so you don’t risk sanctions or even closure can help minimize your risks. These considerations can help you better understand […] … learn more→

Revising? start strategically
Whether you are revising your own writing or responding to reviewer feedback, you need to work out what to do. But you also need to work out where to start. You may have made a revising plan or written out a list of reviewer recommended changes with your proposed actions next to them. That’s good. […] … learn more→

Looking to study abroad? Consider Canada! Here’s why
What first comes to your mind when you hear Canada? Is it the personalities like Jim Carrey, Justin Bieber or perhaps Ryan Reynolds? Maybe it is the maple syrup that everyone loves. Or maybe you think about the top-notch education they offer from some of the leading universities in the world? Indeed, Canada is one […] … learn more→

Online arts programming improves quality of life for isolated seniors
Older adults, especially those who live in rural areas, are affected by their isolation. In Newfoundland and Labrador, 22 per cent of residents are over the age of 65. These older adults live in the sparsely populated coastal communities or in the small number of more urban centres that are scattered throughout the province. Social isolation and loneliness negatively […] … learn more→

Why physical education is key to preventing bullying
Adolescents who are well integrated into their environment, frequently participate in sports activities, maintain good interpersonal relationships and reject violence tend to be less involved in bullying phenomena. This is the main conclusion of a study that we have carried out at the University of Córdoba among a total of 1035 adolescents between the ages of 12 […] … learn more→