Monthly Archives: January 2022

Five infallible analog techniques to connect with our digital students

Five infallible analog techniques to connect with our digital students

Faced with the growth of online training, voices arise that cry out against it, arguing that the student disconnects, that “he does not arrive” the same. And it is that the digital medium is not the same as face to face. And it never will be. But digital education, whether through synchronous sessions or content, can and […] … learn more→

How stereotypes weigh on the integration of unqualified women in rural areas

How stereotypes weigh on the integration of unqualified women in rural areas

The employment market in rural areas is changing, with growth in the service sector and low-skilled positions . A change that could a priori leave more room for unqualified women. However, their integration is far from benefiting from this boom. In fact, they find themselves faced with new challenges, whether it is competition in access to employment or financial independence as a […] … learn more→

Helping someone with a drug or alcohol addiction

Helping someone with a drug or alcohol addiction

If your loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, you know just how difficult it can be to watch them suffer. It can also cause you confusion on how to help them. There are various ways you can help your loved one who is battling an addiction, so it doesn’t affect you or […] … learn more→

How unis can save millions by tackling the biggest causes of online students’ high dropout rates

How unis can save millions by tackling the biggest causes of online students’ high dropout rates

The COVID-19 pandemic has simply added to the ever more rapid growth in online learning since 2005. Online education generates massive income, with the global e-learning market estimated at US$144 billion in 2019 and predicted to reach US$374 billion by 2026. However, universities have struggled to reduce high online student dropout rates – online students are 2.5 times more likely than […] … learn more→

Schools join the fight against human trafficking

Schools join the fight against human trafficking

Education leaders across the U.S. are trying to figure out how to effectively teach students about the risks and warning signs of human trafficking, which includes being forced into domestic servitude, commercial labor or sex work. According to 2019 data gathered by the Polaris Project – a nonprofit that fights human trafficking, including sex trafficking – 24% of […] … learn more→

How to encourage physical activity in children despite the pandemic

How to encourage physical activity in children despite the pandemic

The containment measures taken during the pandemic aimed to limit the spread of Covid-19 and the deaths caused by the virus. However, they also had an impact on the level of physical activity of the population. Children, in particular, have become noticeably more sedentary. There is a risk that these changes in lifestyles will not stop with the pandemic . We know […] … learn more→

Should academics do unpaid work to share their research? if so, when and how?

Should academics do unpaid work to share their research? if so, when and how?

My comments on Twitter seemed to resonate with a lot of people. Other tweeters revealed that the same had happened to them and shared their experiences of giving ‘free’ labour to non-academic organisations. Requests for expertise can take various forms, ranging from a chat on the phone, to giving presentations, to contributing to workshops to […] … learn more→

Top reasons to study aged care

Top reasons to study aged care

Providing care to seniors is not new and will not change anytime soon. It is the best way to support older people and ensure they enjoy every moment in life. Aged care is the support provided to older people in nursing homes or their own homes. Working as an aged care professional is one of […] … learn more→

Circular economy in university education

Circular economy in university education

The circular economy offers a new model of economic development, more sustainable for the planet, consisting of a production and consumption model that involves sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, renewing and recycling existing materials and products as many times as possible to create added value and lengthen its life cycle. To understand, accelerate and promote such […] … learn more→