Children’s social and emotional development can vary in a classroom setting. Some students will be more developed than others, resulting in teachers having to educate while managing group behavior. Paulette Chaffee, teacher and children’s advocate, has observed that a proactive approach to managing class conduct while assisting students with behavioral problems is to set up […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: June 2022

Educator Paulette Chaffee believes a job-responsibility program in the classroom can help students with behavioral problems

Ten simple rules to have fun playing with our children
All professionals related to childhood recommend spending quality time with our sons and daughters. But what is quality time? Is little but quality time enough for a good development of the family? To give an answer based on evidence, there are some correlational studies on educational guidelines and parent-child relationships. In them, these guidelines are classified as theoretical constructs: directive, permissive, formative, […] … learn more→

Time in hospital sets back tens of thousands of children’s learning each year, but targeted support can help them catch up
NAPLAN scores can tell us about a child’s learning, but can they also help us to support learners who have had a serious injury or a long-term chronic illness like asthma or epilepsy? Children who spend time in hospital for these reasons miss out on time in class and are at risk of performing below the national […] … learn more→

Legal fights persist over policies that require teachers to refer to trans students by their chosen pronouns
In Tennessee, a proposed law would let public school teachers refuse to call transgender students by the pronouns they use for themselves. At Shawnee State University – a public university in Ohio – a professor got paid US$400,000 to settle a lawsuit that he filed against the school after being disciplined for refusing to refer to a trans woman […] … learn more→

Why allow the mixing of languages at school?
Since the end of the 1960s , work on language acquisition, both in children and adults, has focused on how humans are able to develop one or more initial languages (the language “native” which is often conjugated in the plural) then other additional languages (“foreign” languages). This work has highlighted the complex nature of these processes, including the […] … learn more→

Online and in-person exams both have problems – that’s now clear. Unis have a window of opportunity to do better
The pandemic pushed universities to launch or accelerate plans for delivering examinations online. These forced transitions have often been painful, involving stress and burnout. Exams have been a big pain point. There are many accounts from the pandemic of widespread cheating in online exams. These range from the amusing to the depressing. Regardless, cheating creates problems for everyone involved. […] … learn more→

How to deal with the increase in cases of antisocial behavior in adolescents
There are more and more cases of children and adolescents who show aggressive behavior, instability and who commit crimes. Coping with this situation requires taking into account different risk factors that affect each person differently. Factors related to unfavorable social environments, inappropriate family educational styles or mental health problems draw a complex scenario that calls for interdisciplinary […] … learn more→

Does bilingual education affect the development of the mother tongue?
“In the end, with this bilingualism, children do not learn English or Spanish.” Who has not heard, on leaving school or at a bar counter, reasoning of this type? This concern goes beyond purely informal settings and is shared even by teachers. In 2009, a study revealed how some Spanish language and literature teachers were reluctant to coordinate their […] … learn more→

Why freemium software has no place in our classrooms
Digital teaching and communication tools are increasingly present in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. By April 2020, not long after the onset of the pandemic, Google Classroom had doubled its users to more than 100 million. For educational technology companies, the pandemic accelerated opportunities to grow markets and profits. Whether for facilitating learning, assessing learning or communicating […] … learn more→

Alcohol is becoming more common in sexual assault among college students
One out of every three. That is the number of women in college who say they have been a victim of sexual assault either when they were in high school or college. That’s according to my new peer-reviewed research in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, which is based on survey data from 2015. That figure is significantly […] … learn more→