Monthly Archives: February 2023

3 reasons not to be a Stoic (and try Nietzsche instead)

3 reasons not to be a Stoic (and try Nietzsche instead)

For an ancient philosophy, Stoicism is doing extremely well in 2023. Quotes from the Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius litter my Instagram feed; you can find expert advice from modern Stoic thinkers on leadership, relationships, and, well, just about anything. It is hard to imagine Zeno, the Athenian philosopher who founded Stoicism, or his Roman counterparts Seneca, Marcus Aurelius […] … learn more→

I introduced social entrepreneurship to my trainee teachers – why it’ll make them better at their jobs

I introduced social entrepreneurship to my trainee teachers – why it’ll make them better at their jobs

The daily headlines from South Africa are largely gloomy. The country’s government seems unable to address a years-long electricity crisis that is steadily worsening. Unemployment is high. Food prices are climbing. But there are pockets of excellence – like stories of social entrepreneurship, an approach that uses business principles to create positive social and environmental impact. It involves identifying social problems using […] … learn more→

Learning grammar is just as important as it always was but the way we teach it has changed

Learning grammar is just as important as it always was but the way we teach it has changed

Many students are returning to school this year face a renewed focus on grammar. Just before Christmas, the NSW curriculum was overhauled to include the “explicit teaching of grammar, sentence structure and punctuation in high school”. This comes amid concerns about literacy levels, particularly among teenage boys. Last month, a major Productivity Commission report on schools also criticised nationwide literacy […] … learn more→

You can’t fix school refusal with ‘tough love’ but these steps might help

You can’t fix school refusal with ‘tough love’ but these steps might help

School attendance levels in Australia are a massive issue according to Education Minister Jason Clare. As he told reporters last week, he hopes to talk to state colleagues about the issue at a meeting later this month. There’s evidence that school attendance rates have been dropping now for ten years, and we see it amongst boys and […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Silencer

“The other side of words”: Silencer

“Reduce (smb) to silence. Silence and make minorities invisible. Silence (sth.). Silence our desires. This is the definition given by the Le Robert dictionary to the term silencer . This entry echoes what was more commonly referred to as “the liberation of speech” at the time of the #MeToo movement . Taken up virally at the end of 2017, this hashtag triggered a massive movement […] … learn more→

Is family discipline necessary?

Is family discipline necessary?

Discipline is a social control mechanism that consists of establishing norms and imposing their compliance. It is one of the highest values ​​in the military field , where the military must obey the orders of his superiors. As a verb, discipline has three meanings : Instruct in a profession by giving lessons. Whip or impose. Make keep discipline. Based on […] … learn more→

ChatGPT is great – you’re just using it wrong

ChatGPT is great – you’re just using it wrong

It doesn’t take much to get ChatGPT to make a factual mistake. My son is doing a report on U.S. presidents, so I figured I’d help him out by looking up a few biographies. I tried asking for a list of books about Abraham Lincoln and it did a pretty good job: Number 4 isn’t right. Garry […] … learn more→

How to learn better throughout life

How to learn better throughout life

Throughout his life, human beings are confronted with new situations, acquire new knowledge which they transpose to new contexts, develop new ideas and skills, and even modify their environment to improve their well-being. We do all of this through an extraordinary skill called “learning,” which has allowed our species a greater degree of flexibility and adaptability, […] … learn more→

Scammed: why the rich, famous and experts get duped more often than you think

Scammed: why the rich, famous and experts get duped more often than you think

The typical reaction to learning about how people have lost money to a con artist is “how could anyone be so gullible?” But it’s the wrong question. Fraudsters fool even the most clever and admired experts by playing on their psychological vulnerabilities. News of multi-million and even multi-billion dollar deceptions keep rolling in. Sam Bankman-Fried, […] … learn more→

9 Best Figma practices to accelerate productivity

9 Best Figma practices to accelerate productivity

Are you a UI/UX Designer looking to improve the workflow of your designs? Then, don’t worry; we will show you the most effective and best Figma Practices in this post. When you follow these practices in your projects it will surely help you increase your productivity and build your apps faster. As a designer, maintaining […] … learn more→