The progressive decline in birth rates in the world is accompanied by a fairly widespread feeling that it is increasingly difficult to raise and educate children. A study carried out with the Spanish population indicates that 8 out of 10 mothers and fathers feel to a greater or lesser extent guilty for not spending the time with […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: April 2023

Burnt parents: is it increasingly demanding to raise and educate children?

We built a human-skin printer from Lego and we want every lab to use our blueprint
Sourcing human tissue samples for biological investigations isn’t always easy. While they are ethically obtained through organ donation or from tissue that’s removed during surgical procedures, scientists are finding them increasingly difficult to get hold of. And it’s not just because there’s a limited supply of human tissue samples. There’s also restricted availability of the specific size and […] … learn more→

Children have been interacting in the metaverse for years – what parents need to know about keeping them safe
The metaverse sounds like it could be a scary place. Recent headlines have highlighted the dangers to children of the metaverse – a generic term for the range of online virtual worlds, developed by different tech companies, in which users can interact. Children’s charities have raised concerns about its potential for harm. Recently, Meta – Facebook’s parent company – announced […] … learn more→

Smart borrowing: Why students should be aware of good and bad debt
The world is full of debt as private individuals owe, companies owe money, and sports stars earning incredible amounts don’t necessarily pay cash for their huge homes. The teams they play for are constantly juggling their finances, some finding loopholes that allow them to keep operating at a loss without falling foul of the sports […] … learn more→

5 ways to advocate for animal welfare in your community
Whether you are passionate about animals or want to make an impact, you can advocate for animal welfare in your community in several ways. One of the best ways is to become a volunteer for a local shelter or anti-cruelty group. It will allow you to meet the animals and learn how they feel. Report […] … learn more→

A rise in self-service technologies may cause a decline in our sense of community
Automation, once hidden behind closed doors in factories, is increasingly moving into public view. Customers can pay for groceries or clothing at a self-checkout machine, order fast food from a touchscreen kiosk or even pickup coffee from a “robo-café.” These technologies, which substitute human contact for robot-based interactions, are examples of self-service technologies — innovative public-facing automation […] … learn more→

School phone bans seem obvious but could make it harder for kids to use tech in healthy ways
School phone bans may seem like the answer to reeling in young people’s technology use. But if we ban phones and bury this issue under the sand, when and how do our kids learn to have a healthy relationship with technology in a world becoming more tech-focused by the day? Existing bans in Australian schools School mobile […] … learn more→

Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research in mice shows how your brain learns new rules
Being flexible and learning to adapt when the world changes is something you practice every day. Whether you run into a new construction site and have to reroute your commute or download a new streaming app and have to relearn how to find your favorite show, changing familiar behaviors in response to new situations is […] … learn more→

Kids and screen time – an expert offers advice for parents and teachers
How much time did your child spend looking at a screen today? The answer likely depends on how old they are, what grade they’re in at school and what rules you have in place at home about screen time. But the reality is that, for children and adolescents growing up as “digital natives”, it is […] … learn more→

Keeping a diary can improve teachers’ wellbeing – here are some ways it can work for all of us
Teachers in England are struggling. A recently released government report on the working lives of teachers found that teachers’ wellbeing levels are lower than the general population. More than half of the 11,177 teachers and school leaders surveyed said that their job was negatively affecting their mental health. Teacher wellbeing should be addressed at a structural level. […] … learn more→