Monthly Archives: July 2023

Why keep learning to handwrite in an AI world

Why keep learning to handwrite in an AI world

The world of writing is changing. First, there were keyboards, automatic entry of words or sentences on messaging. An era of which we are already turning the page. With the rise of artificial intelligence, robots can now produce texts of a level comparable to texts written by humans, without the use of any hand whatsoever. With recent improvements in transcription […] … learn more→

Being eco-delegates in college or high school: what means of action?

Being eco-delegates in college or high school: what means of action?

Since 2020, each middle and high school class must have elected one or two eco-delegates . They are, in a way, spokespersons for the issues of sustainable development with their peers and can implement actions in establishments such as the installation of composters or the reduction of food waste. Our analysis of the institutional frameworks supplemented by the […] … learn more→