Monthly Archives: August 2023

I have too many words – why is this a problem?

I have too many words – why is this a problem?

It’s time for a look at the problem of too many words.  Is this really a widespread problem I hear you ask? In a word, yes. You see, despite the worries about whether we will write enough, the reality is that a lot of us write too much, rather than write too little. Often far too […] … learn more→

Worldcoin is scanning eyeballs to build a global ID and finance system. Governments are not impressed

Worldcoin is scanning eyeballs to build a global ID and finance system. Governments are not impressed

Millions of people worldwide are lining up to stare into a silver sphere about the size of a bowling ball so their irises can be scanned in exchange for online identity verification and “free” cryptocurrency. The silver spheres, known as “Orbs”, are part of the Worldcoin platform, which officially launched in July 2023 after an 18-month […] … learn more→

‘Why would they change maths?’ How your child’s maths education might be very different from yours

‘Why would they change maths?’ How your child’s maths education might be very different from yours

There is a scene in the film Incredibles 2 where young Dash asks his dad Bob for help with his maths homework. Bob obliges and begins to scribble on a notepad. But Dash quickly points to his textbook and says, “that’s not the way you’re supposed to do it, Dad”. Frustrated, Bob exclaims I don’t know that […] … learn more→

Science-based breakthroughs that can save lives & money

Science-based breakthroughs that can save lives & money

Whenever a new development in the scientific realm leads to real-life breakthroughs, individuals and businesses can achieve better results. That’s the case with recent advances like RAS (robot assisted surgery), car backup cameras, microchips for tracking elderly patients, and teleconferencing. Even older tech inventions like GPS continue to offer users multiple ways to make the […] … learn more→

What the family can do to prevent drug use in adolescence

What the family can do to prevent drug use in adolescence

Adolescence is a key period in development. Among other things because it is very likely that, during this stage, most adolescents have to make decisions about the consumption of alcohol, tobacco or cannabis while sharing leisure time with their friends. If we look at the most recent data on the prevalence of substance use in Spain, we find […] … learn more→

Too many school students are falling behind: how do we help those most at risk?

Too many school students are falling behind: how do we help those most at risk?

There is increasing concern about Australian students falling behind in numeracy and literacy. NAPLAN results show 16.2% of Year 3 students are at or below the national minimum standards in numeracy and 12.9% are at or below the minimum standards in reading. By Year 9, this climbs to 20.4% and 25.1% respectively. The 2021 early development census also found […] … learn more→

Ten rules to make an entertaining and effective presentation

Ten rules to make an entertaining and effective presentation

“Let us prepare to do our duties, and conduct ourselves in such a way that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last a thousand years, men will still say: This was their finest hour.” Thus ended Winston Churchill his third and last speech, proclaimed during the Battle of France. On May 10, 1940, the Germans […] … learn more→

Unlock the potential: Convert PDF to word and save time editing documents

Unlock the potential: Convert PDF to word and save time editing documents

The importance of document management must be considered in today’s lightning-fast digital world. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone dealing with various documents regularly, finding a reliable and convenient method to alter PDF to Word can be a game-changer. Thankfully, with the emergence of advanced online tools, you no longer have to go […] … learn more→