Monthly Archives: August 2023

College students with loans more likely to report bad health and skip medicine and care, study finds

College students with loans more likely to report bad health and skip medicine and care, study finds

Students who took out loans to pay for college rated their overall health and mental health as being worse than those who didn’t take out student loans. They also reported more major medical problems and were more likely to report delaying medical, dental and mental health care and using less medication than the amount prescribed […] … learn more→

Are digital technologies corrupting the school?

Are digital technologies corrupting the school?

Since the world is the world, technology has been present in our day to day. In the Lower Paleolithic, Homo habilis began to use stone tools: from then on, humanity has not stopped generating new objects based on the elements it found in its immediate environment. We must not forget that technology is everything created by man, […] … learn more→

Is artificial intelligence changing the very nature of physics research?

Is artificial intelligence changing the very nature of physics research?

Since Galileo, research in physics has followed a well-marked procedure, structured by three precepts: observation of natural phenomena, conceptualization of a law underlying them, verification of the predictions that result from them. This approach has borne many fruits and we now know in detail the laws that apply to the world between the scale of […] … learn more→

How to rest to the fullest on vacation to return with charged batteries

How to rest to the fullest on vacation to return with charged batteries

Many of the readers of this article will be about to or have already started their vacation. !! Congratulations!! They not only deserve them, but, surely, they also need them to rest. Because according to various reports, more than 70% of employees experience prolonged stress and feel overworked. And it is that who has not felt at work that feeling […] … learn more→

X marks the unknown in algebra – but X’s origins are a math mystery

X marks the unknown in algebra – but X’s origins are a math mystery

Even though x is one of the least-used letters in the English alphabet, it appears throughout American culture – from Stan Lee’s X-Men superheroes to “The X-Files” TV series. The letter x often symbolizes something unknown, with an air of mystery that can be appealing – just look at Elon Musk with SpaceX, Tesla’s Model X, and now X as a new […] … learn more→

Digital video storytelling: how can we take advantage of this technique to learn and teach?

Digital video storytelling: how can we take advantage of this technique to learn and teach?

The Short Celts already said it: “ Tell me a story and you will see how happy I am ”. The ancient human interest in telling and listening to stories has become a powerful and popular marketing tool (with the modern anglicism of storytelling ) in the business world, due to its ability to capture the public’s attention. Surely we all remember […] … learn more→

A chatbot willing to take on questions of all kinds – from the serious to the comical – is the latest representation of Jesus for the AI age

A chatbot willing to take on questions of all kinds – from the serious to the comical – is the latest representation of Jesus for the AI age

Jesus has been portrayed in many different ways: from a prophet who alerts his audience to the world’s imminent end to a philosopher who reflects on the nature of life. But no one has called Jesus an internet guru – that is, until now. In his latest role as an “AI Jesus,” Jesus stands, rather awkwardly, as a white […] … learn more→

Help to settle in and friendships beyond class: what makes students feel like they belong at uni

Help to settle in and friendships beyond class: what makes students feel like they belong at uni

Belonging is about feeling accepted, included and valued. If students feel like they belong at their university, research shows it plays a crucial role in their overall wellbeing, self-esteem, and motivation to study. As the Universities Accord interim report says, universities have an “obligation to students to foster belonging”. The draft report also notes “too few” Australians are completing […] … learn more→

3 ways higher education can become more hopeful in the post-pandemic, post-AI era

3 ways higher education can become more hopeful in the post-pandemic, post-AI era

We live at a time when universities and colleges are facing multiplying crises, pressures and changes. From the COVID-19 pandemic and budgetary pressures to generative artificial intelligence (AI) and climate catastrophe, the future of higher education seems murky and fragmented — even gloomy. Student mental health is in crisis. University faculty in our own research from […] … learn more→

How to motivate yourself to learn a language

How to motivate yourself to learn a language

Are you thinking about learning a language? Perhaps you’ve decided that it’s time to dust off your classroom French. Maybe you’re planning a trip to Japan and feel like you should make the effort to learn the basics, or work is sending you to the Cairo office for a year and you’ll need Arabic. Learning […] … learn more→